

114 2024-07-10 08:23 admin


dear miss joozone,

an english speech contest is going to be hold in our school for our students in order to improve their oral english and create a better environment for speaking english. it will be hold at room x on the xth floor in the xxxx (teaching) building at xx:00 am/pm, dec. xxth. from joozone.com.


First of all, enough sleep can make people full of energy for a whole day laying a good foundation for everything. It’s easy to imagine that the difference between a powerful person and a dismalest person. A good harvest in a day results from a good state. And a good state mostly depends on the good sleep. So having a good sleep determines a person's achievement next day.

Secondly, good sleep is good at people’s health. Good sleep people can have a good rest for all parts of their body when sleeping. Enough rest lead to a well functional body. The most obvious point is that the skin of a sleep well person is better than the one who doesn’t sleep well.

In a word, although sleep is seems a common and small thing, it is very important. It has great influence on our life. We should make our body get the rest it should have.


Nowadays, it is the common situation for the young people to stay up, some are addicted to the computer games, and some are going out and find fun with their friends. The lack of sleep not only makes them work inefficiently, but also hurts their health.


The lack of sleep always happens among young people, and most of them expect to make up sleep on weekends, but even they do so, it still hurts their body, for the irregular lifestyle in most of the time. I used to staying up playing computer games or watching TV series at midnight. After a week, I found my skin became darker and there came some freckles. So I decided to give up stay up and kept enough sleep. A few days passed, my skin became better and I had the energy to study.


Enough sleep can also make us stay young. Look at those people who look young in an old age. The secret is to keep healthy lifestyle and taking enough sleep is one of the important ways. Don’t think you are young and have the energy to stay up, some day, you have to pay for it.


 It is important for  us to keep healthy. Students should sleep nine hours  at  night.


To stay healthy we have to take exercise every day. Enough exercise can not only benefit our strong body but also is good for our willpower. In addition we should take some rest after long hour's work. A balanced life between work andw play is always the right choice.


Everybody needs enough sleep. if we don't have enough sleep, we can't study and work well


Mother is in good health,Dad is in good health,My brother is healthy,My sister is in good health,My brother is in good health,My sister is in good health,Six members of our family are healthy







健康饮食应遵循以下原则: 1. 多样化:食物应多样化,以获取各种营养素。 2. 适量:摄入适量的食物,不过度饮食。 3. 均衡搭配:各种食物应均衡搭配,以满足身体所需的营养素。 4. 适量蔬菜和水果:多吃蔬菜和水果,以获取丰富的维生素和矿物质。 5. 控制糖分和盐分:少吃含糖高的食品和饮料,少吃盐分过高的食品。


以下是一些实用的英语表达方式,用于描述健康饮食: 1. balance your diet(平衡饮食) 2. eat a variety of foods(吃各种食物) 3. eat plenty of vegetables and fruits(多吃蔬菜和水果) 4. reduce sugar and salt intake(减少糖分和盐分的摄入) 5. avoid fast food and processed foods(避免快餐和加工食品) 6. drink plenty of water(多喝水) 7. eat breakfast, lunch and dinner regularly(定时吃早餐、午餐和晚餐) 8. eat whole grains and lean protein(吃全谷类和瘦肉蛋白) 9. snack on healthy foods(吃健康的零食)




Money is necessary in our life. We will have a rich life when we have much money.

Most of people think we can do anything if we have money. I don't think . Some people aren't happy though they have much money, because their money is obtained by unjust means. They always live a frightened life. Money often makes people do bad things, even illegal activities.

We must make money and spend it in a reasonable way. We will be happy.



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