

来源:www.hn139.net   时间:2023-06-04 16:33   点击:107  编辑:admin   手机版



amandax是韩国LG fashion集团旗下高端男装品牌,amandax追求的是在社会生活与家庭幸福中得到均衡的Cool life style 的男性生活。 


HEY Y'ALL!! My name is Carl, I'm 15, O blood type, a virgo. I'm outgoing, bright, optimistic, not obsessed with cleanliness and I have a good sense of humor and a bit of snobbishness, haha. ;) I LOVE reading. My fave writers are Vladimir Nabokov, Chuck Palahniuk, Paul Auster, John Updike, Woody Allen, Andy Warhol, and Anne Fadiman. They have such epic influences on me. Oh, btw, I'm a Magaholic. I like those magazines that are really top and unique, and artistic photography, also fashion. Though I mostly read The New Yorker and Rolling Stone. I'm a huge fan of electronic music, I like any kind of electronic music, dance music, pop. Dude, I'm sooo gonna learn DJ and MIDI. Cool stuff. ;) I don't like punk rock that much...

Hope we'll have a fab time together as we get to know each other better. :)

Well, this is pretty American. I wasn't too sure what level your english is and how american you how, so I didnt wanna exaggerate too much and make you look like a "american-wanna-be". And I edited a weeeee bit of it, cuz honestly some of it sounds too chinese-styled. I kept some of it, I think a little chinese style looks cool. I didnt put in 仅数月, I dont know what the heck that is, sorz. :P Well, hope you have an awesome time in the US! I'm a junior in high school too, add me if u feel like it.


kojt是由香港设计师William cheung创立。正因为其设计师是一个感性之人,所以一直以来 kojt的创作概念很强,在寻求怎样把设计连线到大众外,并把新一代的文化、品位表现出来,让每个人穿起来感觉不同。 05年的kojt以SMART CASUAL为主,整个系列分为三大类别:分别是Wills,它是Star Style。 Cool、前卫是它的定位,接着是KOYO JEANS MITH,也是Cool,前卫的路线。只是更接近大众一些,颜色以黑白为主。


是不是叫 KOYO啊?牛仔和休闲风格的。

KOYO JEANS是由香港设计师William cheung创立。正因为其设计师是一个感性之人,所以一直以来KOYO JEANS的创作概念很强,在寻求怎样把设计连线到大众外,并把新一代的文化、品位表现出来,让每个人穿起来感觉不同。  05年的KOYO JEAN以SMART CASUAL为主,整个系列分为三大类别:分别是Wills,它是Star Style。Cool、前卫是它的定位,接着是KOYO JEANS MITH,也是Cool,前卫的路线。只是更接近大众一些,颜色以黑白为主。第三个是KOYO JEANS,注重的是牛仔裤,T恤衫。


KOYO JEANS是由香港设计师William cheung创立。正因为其设计师是一个感性之人,所以一直以来 KOYO JEANS的创作概念很强,在寻求怎样把设计连线到大众外,并把新一代的文化、品位表现出来,让每个人穿起来感觉不同。 05年的KOYO JEAN以SMART CASUAL为主,整个系列分为三大类别:分别是Wills,它是Star Style。

Cool、前卫是它的定位,接着是KOYO JEANS MITH,也是Cool,前卫的路线。只是更接近大众一些,颜色以黑白为主。

第三个是KOYO JEANS,注重的是牛仔裤,T恤衫
